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Audience Media Group is a Polish media group providing effective digital marketing solutions (video advertising, audio advertising, display advertising, e-mailing and performance marketing), made up of five specialised entities.

VIDEOADS realizuje kampanie reklamowe video online. Dzięki znajomości rynku reklamy video digital – w tym kluczowych wydawców – wszystkie kampanie optymalizujemy tak, aby osiągnąć jak najwyższy współczynnik pełnych obejrzeń i widoczności reklamy.

AUDIOads realizuje kampanie na platformach emitujących cyfrową reklamę audio (radia online oraz aplikacje i platformy streamingowe). Dzięki unikatowemu na rynku narzędziu dobudowującemu efektywny zasięg radiowy do kampanii digitalowych docieramy do zaangażowanej w treść grupy docelowych odbiorców.

DISPLAYads implements full display campaigns. Thanks to our experienced team and the tools at our disposal, we buy media, broadcast your creation, analyse the results and optimise advertising activities

PERFOAds realizuje kampanie efektywnościowe. Dzięki autorskim rozwiązaniom technologicznym oraz wszystkim dostępnym kanałom i narzędziom precyzyjnie docieramy do określonej grupy docelowej. Dostarczamy jakościowy ruch i rozliczamy się za efekty.

EMAILads realizuje kampanie e-mail marketingowe. Dzięki przejrzystemu systemowi rozliczeń gwarantujemy realizację celów reklamowych w zoptymalizowany sposób.

We support the achievement of your advertising goals.
Audience Media Group – Competence. Tools. Experience.

We hope to do business with you!

Choose the service that interests you and write to us!

    online video advertisingonline audio advertisingdisplay campaignperformance marketinge-mail marketingother

    _Our Team

    Paweł Sypczuk

    Position: CEO

    Paweł, as an experienced manager with over 20 years of experience in the media industry, is responsible for the long-term vision of the organization and leads the strategic development of the Audience Media Group. He is responsible for building lasting relationships with clients and business partners of the group, managing the team and supervising the daily operations of the company.

    Agata Florczak

    Position: Business Integration Manager

    E-mail address:

    Agata’s area of expertise includes – in addition to performance marketing activities – supporting customers in the implementation of online video and digital audio advertising campaigns.

    She has been working in the marketing industry for over 10 years. She has been responsible for customer acquisition, implementation and optimisation of affiliate campaigns, as well as creating multi-channel strategies and media plans.

    Jacek Pecko

    Position: Head of Technology

    E-mail address:

    Jacek is responsible for coordinating work related to programming (frontend, backend), optimisation of advertising campaigns, programmatic, SEO, SEM. He also has experience in Linux server administration and mobile application programming.

    Monika Bartnik

    Position: PR & Communication Manager

    E-mail address:

    Monika is responsible for coordinating communication activities and public relations. 

    He is an experienced PR person with a journalistic flair and a passion for writing, especially about media, marketing… running and traveling. He has many years of experience both as a journalist and editor, as well as in positions related to PR and marketing.